Shukranu is an Indian Hindi-language action thriller web series directed by Bishnu Dev Halder, that was Released on 14 February 2020 on Zee5. The Web Series star Divyenndu, Shweta Basu Prasad, Sheetal Thakur are in title roles. The music was composed by Harish Sagane, Advait Nemlekar. Here’s the complete Analysis of Shukranu cast and crew, storyline, Budget, OTT Response and More.
Shukranu (2021) Full Movie Analysis: Release Date, Story, Plot, Episodes, Cast, Actors Salary, Actors Net Worth, Budget, OTT Response, Trailer, Songs, Awards, Review, Ratings & More
Info | |
Genre | Sports/Drama |
Language | Hindi |
Directed by | Bishnu Dev Halder |
Star Cast | Divyenndu Shweta Basu Prasad Sheetal Thakur |
Production companies | Zee5 |
Cinematography | Sayak Bhattacharya |
Edited by | Devendra Murdeshwar |
Music by | Harish Sagane Advait Nemlekar |
Country | India |
Original network | Zee5 |
Original release | 14 February 2020 |
Running time | 90 minutes |
Table of Contents
Shukranu Movie Storyline
A fictitious narrative based on actual events is called Shukranu. An estimated 6.2 million males were coerced through sterilisation during the 1976 Emergency. Due to mishandled surgeries, 2,000 of them perished. Shukranu, a comedic look at the worst periods of Indian democracy through the interactions of a would-be groom who is forcibly neutered only days before his much anticipated wedding, is set in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and Haryana.
Shukranu Movie Release and OTT Response
Nothing new can be found in Bishnu Dev Halder’s tale. We have seen this narrative of a guy who is torn between his wife and his lover many times. The originality is provided by the background and events that result in a scenario like this. The sterilisation effort that took place in India during the emergency era is something that many of us have heard about, but this movie clarifies what really occurred and how it impacted the people and their lives.
Shukranu Cast, Crew, Role, Salary, Remuneration & Net Worth
Here are the complete details of actors and actresses names in the Web Series.
1. Divyenndu as Inder
Info | Inder |
Real Name | Divyenndu |
Salary Per Web Series | Rs. 5 lakh + |
Net Worth | Rs. 21 crores + |
2. Shweta Basu Prasad as Reema
Info | Reema |
Real Name | Shweta Basu Prasad |
Salary Per Web Series | Rs. 5 lakh + |
Net Worth | Rs. 21 crores + |
3. Sheetal Thakur as Akriti
Info | Akriti |
Real Name | Sheetal Thakur |
Salary Per Web Series | Rs. 6-8 lakh + |
Net Worth | Rs. 35 crores + |
4. Aakash Dabhade as Bhaanu
Info | Bhaanu |
Real Name | Aakash Dabhade |
Salary Per Web Series | Rs. 5 lakh + |
Net Worth | Rs. 21 crores + |
5. Rajesh Khattar as Bhisham
Info | Bhisham |
Real Name | Rajesh Khattar |
Salary Per Web Series | Rs. 5 lakh + |
Net Worth | Rs. 35 crores + |
6. Shakti Singh as Maruti
Info | Maruti |
Real Name | Shakti Singh |
Salary Per Web Series | Rs. 4 lakh + |
Net Worth | Rs. 21 crores + |
Shukranu Web Series Awards
Awards | Category | Recipients |
NA | NA | NA |
Shukranu Web Series Videos
Shukranu Web Series Trailer
Shukranu Web Series Review
Divyendu Sharma is respectable but still falls well short of the bar he has set. Aakash Dabhade also provides basic assistance.
The directing of Bishnu Dev Halder is mediocre. Accepted that it’s a comedy, but since the background is based on actual historical events, you have to create a movie that can be taken seriously. Shukranu is effective in certain areas but not in others, and poor leadership is a big factor.
Overall, Shukranu is a one-time-viewing timepass movie that you may see for the knowledge it offers as well as some sincere chuckles. Don’t go into it with great hopes.
Disclaimer: The Data is collected from various sources and some from our own research. These data can be estimated and Primes World does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data.