Building Your Pipeline: Advanced Techniques for Lead Generation

Lead Generation

In the world of real estate, you may have often heard of the term ‘lead generation’. Leads are basically sets of actual and potential customers. Investors and agents need to actively search and connect with a list of such leads to be able to maintain their momentum of excellent deals and commendable commissions. Generating a large and quality set of leads helps businesses grow, fuel profits, and keep the firms sustainable and competitive. But it’s not easy, let’s dive into some of the most relevant and effective ways to generate helpful leads. 

1. Maintain personalized relationships and ask for referrals:

There is no greater promotion than a happy customer. The greatest way to generate more leads and improve our brand image is to provide very impressive and reliable services to all the stakeholders we come across in the business, especially our clients. To make sure the impeccable quality in our service, communication, commitments, contracts, and follow-ups become the signature of our brand.

Once that level of relationship is built with the customer, it is time to dare to directly ask for referrals from our existing clients. The key is to be able to lead the bond to that level of comfort through dependable service.  

2. Using Customer Relationship (CRM) Software:

If we aren’t using all the utilities, tools, and assistance available in commerce to the maximum of our potential, we are falling behind in the competition. Technology has improved drastically in customer management and analytics leading to the rise of constantly improving assistant software built specifically to help real estate investors close more deals. Sales, Marketing, Data, Operations, etc. are heavily streamlined through data management and analytics to make agents and investors extremely efficient and enhance their effectiveness. That’s why CRM Software like Salesforce is gaining increasing popularity, and widely acclaimed software like REsimpli is designed especially for Real Estate investors also increasing their impressed customer base daily dur to amazing services like Drip Campaign or List Stacking.

3. Social Media Presence:

A strong social media presence not only creates awareness about our business to a larger audience, it keeps us relevant and establishes our brand image to the public. We must use social media to generate our identity through regular posts, selected themes ( combining color, font, styles, etc.), and public stand on various issues.  Some very impressive ways to generate leads through social media would be to promote the stories of past contented customers of our firms, portray the story and core ideas of our company, provide helpful blogs and useful information to the public, etc.

4. Virtual Tours:

A modern and interesting way to showcase properties is through virtual tours of the house through the internet, and if possible the integration of virtual reality. We can showcase an interactive collection of images and videos of our assets with detailed explanations to attract potential buyers. 

5. Diversifying Networking:

Apart from Real Estate as an industry itself, we can network heavily on various other fields of professions or hobbies to meet a wider variety of professionals and solvent leads who may be interested in buying or selling property. A doctor from our city may need an apartment for his new chamber, a CEO might be looking to sell one of his production houses, and the examples can go on. The more people we know, the better we can identify potential clients.  

7. Organizing and Sponsoring Events:

Sponsoring or helping to organize various social responsibilities may go further than corporate social responsibilities. If we target programs and events where a substantial amount of our segmented target demographics may be present, it can act like a great promotion of who we are and what we offer to a big gathering and wide exposure. Such participation must be coordinated in a way we create subtle and sufficient scenarios to represent our brand and communicate our messages along with the progress or broadcast of the program. 

8. Traditional Advertisement:

No matter how effective digital marketing may have become, the effectiveness and prevalence of traditional marketing methods are still unquestioned. Flyers, billboards, posters, magazine or newspaper banners, and advertisements create a sense of seriousness and reliability about our firm in the eyes of experienced customers, especially the older generations. ]

9. Strong Local Presence:

Similar to our last point, this is about making your existence and purpose known to the people. In the locality of the business location, if we engage in community activities, and maintain a strong bond with local people and various related businesses, this works as a strong source of leads. One very useful technique for creating a presence is to use the same restaurant to meet clients every time. Over time, the identity and activities of the firm become visible and a sense of trust and ownership of the locals are formed.  

10. Websites and Apps:

As the real estate business continues to grow in size and number, it becomes indispensable for it to have a designated website for the business. The crucial point of consideration is not only having sufficient information and communication facilities on the site but also user-friendliness of usage and the aesthetics of appearance. (The Ui-Ux side of things.) Examples of beautiful appearance can be the website of CNBC or Investopedia.

Upon hitting a certain range of popularity, having a mobile app for Android and IOS presenting all the services, information, and communication systems of the business firm will be very beneficial for the business. People are being dependent on phones for more and more services and real estate businesses must take full advantage of the opportunities. So, the websites and apps should be user-friendly and well-optimized for phones. 

11. House Party:

Another conventional yet proven method would be to throw a house party at the property location showcasing the asset to the potential clients. The property has to be as presentable and appealing as it can be, and the interest levels of the visitors must be taken into serious consideration. Thus, retaining their contacts followed by a drip campaign can help assure highly profitable leads.

12. Continuous analysis and iteration:

There is no shortcut to success, to strategy to learn and achieve expertise without dedication, hard work, and improvement. It is said, “the master has failed more times than the student has even tried”. So in the ever-changing atmosphere of real estate,  we have to continuously assess the fruitful and unsuccessful ways of generating leads and keep learning. We must repeat with hope and persistence as the path of real estate investing is a path of deep patience, risk, and commitment. 


As we go through the 4th industrial revolution, it is essential to understand how technology, geopolitics, and AI are influencing the world of real estate. Change is the only constant in the world, yet humans have hardly changed in the last thousand years. To generate good leads and close great deals, we have to use the tools of the modern age to influence primitive psychological factors to attract, sell, and satisfy our customers through quality services in a responsible way.